Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I am so terribly behind, it's pathetic.  I'm not sure what happened, but somehow in the time since my last post the builder guys have managed to fashion together something that looks quite a bit like a house.


Pictures, you say?  Yes, yes.  Pictures are nice, but perhaps a bit over-rated.

No?  Not over-rated?  Well, maybe not.  But they do tend to bog down your download, right?

No again?  You have high-speed?


But there's nothing worse than having to sit through picture after picture after picture, like you don't have better things to do with your time because after all!  You are a Very!  Busy!   Person!

No?  NO??  Geez, what do you do all day?  Sit around and read blogs or something?

OK, well -- whatever.  I'm fighting with Photoshop and currently the Shop is winning.  So no pictures.


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