Sunday, August 31, 2008

Let's start at the beginning

I'm Amy, and this is the story of the house I grew up in, which also happens to be the house where I now live with my family.  We haven't named the place -- "home" suits it just fine -- although it did have a nickname for a period after all the kids were grown & moved out.  (More about that another time.)

We live in Indianapolis, IN, in the Warfleigh area of a neighborhood known as Broad Ripple.  From the best we can figure, our house was built in or around 1936 (which just happens to be the same year my mother was born). My parents bought the place in 1959, just before my brother CJ was born. 

Mom and Dad both lived out the rest of their lives in this house.  They raised three kids, a couple of dogs and a cat here.  There were countless vegetable gardens and flower gardens, a constant rotation of cars in various states of repair, and a few dozen Christmas Eve parties spent with family and friends.

As we go along I hope to tell you the story of our home:  the people, the events, the things that make it special (at least to us).  I'll also be posting some pictures, from the past and the present, to help tell the tale of where we've been and where we're heading.

Here we go!

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